Philosophy and Policy
Corporate philosophy
We aim to provide a medical service where we always put ourselves in the community residents' place.

Tokushukai Medical Corporation practices medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, according to a corporate philosophy that is based on a commitment to improve your daily life by providing relief and security for you health.

  1. To provide emergency medical service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  2. To promote the health and the prevention of diseases, not only just treat them
  3. To provide the secure medical services by thorough safety management
  4. To endeavor constantly to improve our medical skills and services
Your rights
  1. You have the right to receive considerate and respectful care regardless of your age, gender, race, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disabilities.
  2. You have the right to receive care in a safe environment free from all forms of abuse, neglect, or mistreatment.
  3. You have the right to be called by your proper name and to be in an environment that maintains dignity and your personality.
  4. You have the right to be informed of your doctors, nurses, and all health care team members directing and/or providing your care.
  5. You have the right to have a family member or substitute of your choice and your own doctor notified promptly of your admission to the hospital.
  6. You have the right to have someone remain with you for emotional support during your hospital stay, in which case your visitor or attendant should respect and maintain your or others' rights, safety or health, not compromise them. You have the right to deny visitation at any time.
  7. You have the right to be told about the treatment as well as the benefits, risks and possible complications of the treatment and the alternatives beforehand as much as possible, even in an emergency case. You have the right to give written informed consent before any non-emergency procedure begins.
  8. You have the right to have your pain assessed and to be involved in decisions about treating your pain.
  9. You have the right to be free from restraints and seclusion in any form that is not medically required.
  10. You can expect full consideration of your privacy and confidentiality in care discussions, exams, and treatments.
  11. You have the right to access protective and advocacy services in cases of abuse or neglect. The hospital will provide a list of these resources.
  12. You, your family, and substitutes, have the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and the right to participate in decisions about your care, your treatment, and services provided. If you leave the hospital against the advice of your doctor, the hospital and doctors will not be responsible for any medical consequences that may occur.
  13. You have the right to agree or refuse to take part in medical research studies. You may withdraw from a study at any time. Neither of your choice will impact your access to standard care.
  14. You have the right to communication that you can understand about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. If you have any sensory impairment, you will be informed accordingly at no cost.
  15. You have the right to make an advance directive and appoint someone to make health care decisions for you if you are unable. If you do not have an advance directive, we can provide you with information and help you complete one.
  16. You have the right to be involved in your discharge plan. You can expect to be told in a timely manner of your discharge, transfer to another facility, or transfer to another level of care. Before your discharge, you can expect to receive information about follow-up care that you may need.
  17. You have the right to receive detailed information about your hospital and physician charges.
  18. The medical record will be disclosed only when an applicant satisfies the disclosure conditions.
  19. You have the right to have your medical records disclosed and to obtain the full information concerning your own health status unless the disclosing of information is expected to cause significant harm on your life or health status, in which case we may withhold the disclosure.
  20. We may utilize video recordings, photographs, films, or other images that are produced for medical use for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment. You have the right to refuse its use. You have the right to withdraw consent up until a reasonable time before the item is used. In addition, the monitoring camera is set in the corridors for security purposes.
  21. If you or a family member needs to discuss an ethical issue related to your care, a member of the Ethics Service is available.
  22. You have the right to voice your concerns about the care you receive. If you have a problem or complaint, you may talk with a person in charge through the Patient Relations Coordinator.
Your responsibilities
  1. You are expected to provide complete and accurate information, including your full name, address, home telephone number, date of birth, and insurance carrier when it is required.
  2. You should provide the hospital or your doctor with a copy of your certificate or referral letter if you have one.
  3. You are expected to provide complete and accurate information about your health and medical history, including present condition, past illnesses, hospital stays, medicines, vitamins, herbal products, and any other matters that pertain to your health, including perceived safety risks.
  4. You are expected to ask questions when you do not understand information or instructions. If you believe you cannot follow through with your treatment plan, you are responsible for telling your doctor. You are responsible for outcomes if you do not follow the care, treatment, and service plan.
  5. You are expected to actively participate in your pain management plan and to keep your doctors and nurses informed of the effectiveness of your treatment.
  6. You are asked to please leave valuables at home and bring only necessary items for your hospital stay.
  7. You are expected to treat all hospital staff, other patients, and visitors with courtesy and respect; abide by all hospital rules and safety regulations; and be mindful of noise levels, privacy, and number of visitors.
  8. You are expected to provide complete and accurate information about your health insurance coverage and to pay your bills in a timely manner.
  9. You have the responsibility to keep appointments, be on time, and call your health care provider if you cannot keep your appointments.
Ethical code

We aim to cure the diseases. We pledge to accomplish the duty and missions, taking social and ethical responsibility as medical professionals, who directly deal with the lives, deaths and diseases, and protecting the patients' rights and dignity, and improving our medical skills and services for the patient-centered treatment and nursing.

Ethical Principles
  1. We should respect the human dignity with sympathy, and should contribute to appropriate medical services.
  2. We should observe the laws and endeavor to protect the patients' profits.
  3. We should respect the patients' rights and protect the patients' secrets within the legal constraints.
  4. We should endeavor to improve our medical skills and knowledge and should disclose the information that relates to each other to the patients and the public.
  5. We should participate in the activities to improve the community.
  6. We respect and follow the declaration of Helsinki, Lisbon, Geneva in practicing daily health care activities.

*The declaration of Helsinki: Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects.
*The declaration of Lisbon: a declaration on the rights of the patient by the World Medical Association
*The declaration of Geneva: International manifesto of medical ethics
